Somethings are meant to be. For example some couples that fall in love and get married and live happy those are meant to be. Or when some people end in jail for things that they really did that is also somethings that is meant to be.

I believe that life is "open" because our future is supposably already determine but I believe that we can change our fate. Our life is written in stone as they say buy only we can change our destiny.
I think that the role of marriage ought to be divided up by he role that each couple plays. For example the man goes to work and support the wife and the kids if they have any, and the wife stays home and takes care of the kids and have the food, and clothes clean, and have the house clean. 

They say that the guy of the house has the power but that is not necessarily true both the man and the woman have power. If both work and they both provide for each other and they maintain the house hold then they both have power.

Strong confident woman is not a woman who depends on a man to live its a woman that is independent, who provides for her self and some one who just doesn't need anyone to help her.

A man who is influenced by his wife/girlfriend is a man that has communication with his wife about what he is going to do.Some one who is involved with his partner not someone just doesn't have nothing to do with their partner.

What is ambition? A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. To me ambition is to accomplish something to become successful.

Yes it is possible because with too much ambition their is an extreme needs of wanting to achieve more power, influences, social status which may result to greediness and self destruction. Wherein all things must be put in the balance as too little or too much ambition lead to nowhere. 

I can identify some one who is to ambitious because they want all the power and they always want to be in charge 
My understanding of supernatural is something that happens that is not normal and that its events that happen from another dementia. The internet definition of supernatural is a not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws not physical or material. 

EXAMPLE: One day my dad was sleeping and he felt like someone was trying to open the room door, but he ignored it. An hour later he felt that some one was trying to get in the room so he got up out of his bed and opened the door and he saw a dark shadow flowing down the step. So my dad rushed down the stairs and he followed the shadow and when he was getting near the shadow the shadow disappeared. The next day he got a phone call that his dad had passed away!!

If some one was to offer me a reading to reveal my future I will do it because i would like to know what my future holds for me.

My opinion about the movie Paranormal Activities those are real experience that happen to people and those people want the public to know that black demons or black energy. 
What is my definition of success? Success to me is when you achieve something that you wanted to accomplish. The internet definition is The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

The way that a person can judge another person if they are successful or not is the way that they are appear. For example, some one that is in school and they want to learn and they know that hey are going to have a future on being a doctor or a scientist or even a teacher they are going to be successful, but some one that is just fooling around with their life some one who just doesn't care about what they are going to do with their life is not going to to be successful.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

