I think that the role of marriage ought to be divided up by he role that each couple plays. For example the man goes to work and support the wife and the kids if they have any, and the wife stays home and takes care of the kids and have the food, and clothes clean, and have the house clean. 

They say that the guy of the house has the power but that is not necessarily true both the man and the woman have power. If both work and they both provide for each other and they maintain the house hold then they both have power.

Strong confident woman is not a woman who depends on a man to live its a woman that is independent, who provides for her self and some one who just doesn't need anyone to help her.

A man who is influenced by his wife/girlfriend is a man that has communication with his wife about what he is going to do.Some one who is involved with his partner not someone just doesn't have nothing to do with their partner.

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    October 2012

